Home for Christmas!

Dad and Comfort

Smith and Joia

Ax and his cousin Bowman workin' the keys

Giggly girls on the bathroom floor

Everyone loves the Nana

Happy Christmas!

Racy game of Scrabble

Uncle Dave and Zaisy

Charley, Zaisy, and Dillan

We had so much fun this Christmas visiting family and friends. Thank you all for all the help and support you've shown us. We couldn't do all this without you. Merry Christmas!
We plan on heading down to Colorado Springs for a few days before we make our trek back down to Mexico. This much needed break for our family has given us a lot to take with us as we head back into the field. Thank you all so much!

Surprise, Surprise!!

We’ll be home for Christmas! We didn’t think that we would be able to make a trip to the States over the holidays, but due to a change in circumstances, and a suggestion from the ministry we’re working with to go do some additional fund-raising, it looks like it is going to work out.
Our plan right now is to leave Tlaxiaco tomorrow at 1:00 in the morning and make a cannon-ball run up to the border. By my calculations, it is about a 40 hour drive to Colorado and we could use every prayer that you can send up for us. Pray that my eyes will stay wide-open and that I’ll make wise decisions on the road. Pray that all the Mexican authorities will be blind to us as we travel and not harass us in any way. Pray for the “Miracle Mobile” to run smoothly and efficiently.
We’re still trying to work out our schedule while we’re in Colorado, but we hope to see as many of you as possible while we are there.
We love you and look forward to wishing you a Merry Christmas in person!

P.S. If you or anyone you know have large amounts of money you'd like to give away before the end of the year...just let us know! ;)

My Birthday Blog

I wanted to take a few minutes to write one last blog in my 20’s. The last ten years of my life have been eventful to say the least. To focus on work I’ve done would be a shame. Like most everyone else I know or have read about, work is a blip, a small, insignificant part of life that is often talked about like this, “Well for 30 years I worked for so and so…” and that’s all there is to say about it. Well, for seven years I worked for HP…and that’s all there is to say about it.
On to more meaningful matters that will stand the test of time, even eternal time. Getting married to my beautiful Rachel at the age of 19 started a whirlwind spinning that I’ve yet to catch up with. I had my first son Smith when I was 20 years old. Ready or not, here he came. I’m still not sure if I’m ready for him, or deserve him, but I love him more than words can express.
22 saw the birth of my sweet and spunky little red-headed baby girl Zaisy. When I saw her for the first time and covered her whole torso with one hand to pray for her, I knew my life would never be the same.
I was happy with two children, but the Lord was not, and He would not drop the issue. So at the age of 26, we had the only child we’ve actually tried for so far. Davis. He lights up my life daily and I often reflect on how empty my life would have been if I would have settled for just two. Children indeed are a blessing and a gift from the Lord. Davis changed me and changes me daily. I loved him so much from his very first days on this earth that I immediately began to ask the Lord for another one just like him.
28 brought more changes in my life than I can bear to think about at times. I left HP and in the midst of starting an exciting, new career, I received a clear calling from the Lord to become a full-time missionary. Ouch! Oh yeah, a few months later, the Lord answered my prayer and my Ax-man came into the world. He was such a peaceful little guy at first. Now Davis and Ax have figured out how to team up against us. Can anyone say, “Red-tornado X 2?”
With the life we currently live in Mexico and the many adventures to come, I often wonder what kind of memories my little ones will escape child-hood with. Should be interesting.
As you can see, the last ten years of my life have been quite full to say the least. As I sit here and reflect, it’s not the moments of pain, fear, or worry that rise to the top. It’s an abounding sense of joy and gratefulness of the Lord’s provision in every aspect of my life. If the last ten years have been this full and exciting, God only know how exciting these next ten years will be. And I’m sure He has some great surprises up His sleeve.

One Year Anniversary

Today is a significant day for me. I’ve been looking forward to writing this blog for quite a while. Today marks the one year anniversary of me being completely healthy. This would be a huge thing anyway, but the fact that most of this year has been spent living in Mexico, makes it simply incredible. I decided when we moved down here that I would live by faith and not by fear…especially when it comes to food. So I’ve eaten every single funky thing set before me, and I’ve been just fine.
I use to play around with sickness and even use it to get sympathy or simply to have some time off from work. I knew going into this year that there would be no room for that kind of junk. All year long, I lived with a desire to beat my body and make it my slave. Some days it is hard to overcome my feelings, but honestly, if I live a life of trusting my feelings, I probably would never get out of bed in the morning.
A thought my mom shared with me earlier this year has helped me a lot and I meditate on it often. It’s the idea that when Jesus was on the cross, He literally bore all of our sicknesses and diseases upon Himself. It was such gruesome site that the sky had to turn black because no one could bear to look upon Him. Anytime I start to feel crummy, or anytime I pray for a sick person, I pray and thank God for already taking that sickness upon Himself, and I picture Him already conquering the specific sickness upon the cross. You see, Jesus accomplished more than just salvation upon the cross. He died and rose again that we would be SAVED, HEALED, and DELIVERED.
Thank you for a healthy year Jesus! You’re Awesome!