Crazy Adventures in Nagelland

We spent the month of April seeking the face of God and asking Him about the “next step” in our lives. It’s ALWAYS amazing to me how much the Lord can change your heart in a single hour of solid prayer. It’s ALWAS amazing to me that when you seek the Lord with your whole heart, He is faithful to meet with you.
We were hoping to be able to stay on with our current ministry down here through the summer to continue to intercede and lead worship. But with the recent discovery of our fifth baby on the way, and the small, little fact that the ministry leaders said, “NO.”, we have decided it’s time to move on.
And yes, you did read that right, numero cinco is on the way. Rachel and I often feel like terrible parents, but the Lord must see something worthy in us that we do not see ourselves. Though the patterns and ways of the world tell us that children are a burden and a nuisance, we believe that children are a blessing and a reward from the Lord. We are excited to be found worthy of the responsibility of another life. And EVERYONE knows that the world needs more red-heads!
It’s funny when the pieces all began to come together how the peace of God surrounds you and everything seems to make sense. We’ll be spending the next few days selling all of our belongings, once again, and then we’ll be making our way up to the States. All of our pregnancies so far have been smooth however; Rachel does have a unique medical condition with her blood, during pregnancy, that the doctors always like to keep a close eye on.
So, you may ask, is this the end of the Nagel’s mission’s career? Not at all! It’s just the beginning. It’s not all clear yet, but with the many people who have come to us and said, “Just choose a country and we will follow you guys anywhere.”, we begin to catch the hint that perhaps the Lord is leading us to put together a team or teams of people to take over the world for Jesus. We’ll give you more details as it all comes together.
Anyways, we are excited to catch up with our many faithful supporters, take some long hot showers, and of course, flush our toilet paper. We should be to Colorado by the end of this month and it will be so good to see you face-to-face.
We are overwhelmed with excitement and can’t wait to see where the crazy adventure of following God leads us next! See you soon.


Michele said...

Love you guys sooooo much!!! And can't wait to see you in CO very soon. We'll have to swap stories! :) The Lord has GREAT things planned for the Nagels....including a beautiful new baby!!!! YAY!!!!

See you soon!!!

Jenna Wheeler said...

AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!YALL ARE HAVING A BABY!?!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats guys! That is sooo awesome! I knew Rachel was gonna get pregnant soon!!!! yay for yall!!!!

MissionalMobilizer said...

It looks like your Oaxaca weekend getaway was a success! Congrats on number five and see you in a week.

jcubsdad said...

(Insert unmanly Carl squeal here)

I am so exited that you guys will be coming home. I am so exited that number 5 is on the way and I am so exited that you will be home. Yes, I said it twice, but I mean it.

papanananagel said...

Congratulations on bringing us our eleventh grandchild. I knew you wouldn't let us down. We love you and have missed you so much. We're praying that God will continue to open all the doors that you need as you follow Him. What a life, right?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on a new baby! A new life is a miracle from God...we will be praying for Rachel's health and for safe travels.



Jen Vchulek said...

I'm crying right now because I can't wait to see you guys again! You two are such an inspiring couple, and I just love you so much! Congratulations!

The Rogers Family said...

Whoo-Hoo!!!! 3 votes for a girl, 2for a boy....

Stacey said...

YES the world definitely needs some more redheads (and also some more Nagels)!!!! I am so excited for you guys....congratulations!!! A little jealouse of all the people that will seeing you guys soon. Some day we will see each other face to face again. Love you guys!

Terra said...

Congrats on baby #5! God's timing for His blessings is always perfect as I'm learning with #3. :)

Bob Wise said...

Congratulations Nagels! Another wonderful gift... and now you are surpassing us. You win!

As for the unknown, just be assured that it is overrated! Even when we don't, God does know. In 20 years you will marvel as you reflect on memories of His orchestration of events. If we knew what was coming, we wouldn't worry. So, in the words of Alfred E Newman, 'what, me worry?' LOL.

God is faithful; His testimony in your lives to date validates this.

Looking forward to seeing you.

Anonymous said...

Where are you Nagels? Update- we have been worried about you.

Donald Bychowski said...

Congratulations to you both and the rest of your family. HP misses you. Actually, they don't but the few of us left here do. My career comes to an end in the next 2 months so I'll be looking for a new path to follow. Best of luck to you all.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Could you please post an update? We have so enjoyed your posts and following your great adventure, would love to know what is going on with you guys.