The Bravest Kid In The World

The other night we went to the town square (el centro) to have some Elote (corn on a stick) and some Burger Boy (the best street-stand burger in the world). We all sat down on a wall to munch on our goodies and Smith quickly spotted a soccer game going on across the park. He said boldly, "As soon as I'm done eating, I'm going to go play with them."
We watched as he walked right into the center of the game to announce his presence. All the other children quickly huddled together laughing and pointing at him. As his father, I cringed inside wanting to run up and protect his feelings. But I resisted the urge and Smith stood his ground.
Slowly, but surely, they warmed up to the gringo kid's presence and before we could blink he was in the heat of the game.
Moving anywhere new is tough on a kid, especially to a new world where they speak a different language. My son Smith is the bravest kid in the world.


The Rogers Family said...

Smith, you make us so proud!
Uncle Justin and Aunt Comfort

Anonymous said...

That's our brave Aslan! If Oso is the Dad then Lion is the son. Si? Love you, Nana

Joia said...

and look at little Davis just following in his footsteps...

Love you all,

Stacey said...

Way to go Smith...the evangelist! :o) It looks like he was having a great time.

This Mama said...

Smith is awesome! He just seems like such a sweet kid. My Kate will be 8 next month. Maybe we could arrange their marriage someday. Let's talk.

jcubsdad said...

Way to go Smith! Time to get out of the cocoon and stretch the wings a bit. I do not think I have ever not seen a beautiful butterfly. You Smith, are the man.