My Cup Runneth Over
Introducing Ax!
Hi! My name is Ax. My parents tell me I have a longer name, but I haven't figured out how to spell it yet. Today I turned 3 months old. Life is fantastic! I love it! My favorite new trick is smiling, smiling's my favorite, I do it all the time.
A Senseless Reminder
Have A Merry Funky Christmas!
This is just too Elfin' funny. Enjoy.
God is good!
Feel the Pain, Love the Pain
She is a tough girl, so as I watched the tears well up in her eyes, I knew she was in a lot of pain. Later, she told me that there came a point where the pain leveled off and it was so bad that she knew it couldn’t get any worse. She was almost grateful knowing that if this was the worst physical pain she would encounter, she could handle it.
For the last seven years working at HP, I often had to clothe myself in a suit of emotional numbness to make it through the day. I simply shut down so I didn’t have to feel the minutes and the hours slowly click by. I remember often after a joy filled weekend or an extended holiday filled with cheer consciously choosing to slip back into my “suit”. It was a sad way to live, yet I felt financially secure so I continued to drudge on.
The Lord often speaks to me through movies. Probably because He is gracious and knows that watching movies is one of my favorite things to do. Increasingly, I note that often the most popular movies are those dealing with a character that is trapped in a meaningless existence. He longs to escape the drab colored walls of his cubicle jungle. He longs to really feel alive. He longs to feel.
The feeling of freedom, or in this case, the freedom of feeling is never cheap. Stepping out of the “Matrix”, swimming against the tide, rocking the boat can be a lonely, painful experience. In many movies, once the character experiences true reality, he often longs for the simplicity, the numbness that he was once so accustomed to.
Recently, in the middle of a fast from everything ingestible other than water, I was waiting in line at the local auto parts store. I began to envy the clerks behind the counter that if nothing else, at least felt physically normal. They had probably eaten breakfast and lunch of some sort. It was hard to remember why I was inflicting this hell upon myself. I was weak, I was hungry, but most of all, I wanted to feel normal.
Being a full-time Missionary and choosing to live financially by faith and the giving of others, means many times of great want. Our needs are always provided for, just not always in ways we desire. As I walked through the crowds at church one night to pick up my children from their classes, I found myself envious of those around me with spare money in their wallets and in their purses. I heard some talk of going out to eat after the service. Here and there I heard some talk about Christmas presents or enrollment fees for some after school program. I wanted to feel normal.
In our “feel good” society everything imaginable has been invented to avoid any discomfort or displeasure. As these devices and distractions are stripped away and I’m left to face the blackest dark of the night I often feel like a raw piece of meat. Like the skin of my feelings has been stripped away, leaving my muscles and tendons to endure the cold wind and the assorted flying debris without any protection. And as I feel this unimaginable pain, the realization comes upon me, that it cannot get any worse.
I may lose my house. I may lose all of my possessions. I may lose everything I’ve worked so hard for my whole life. However, in the end, though bruised and battered by the enemy I can throw myself at the feet of the Lord and finally say without hesitation, “Have it all. Do with me whatever you will. Use me for the everlasting glory of Your Kingdom.”
Merry Christmas!!!!
Check out these Elvish impersonators. It may take a while to load...but trust me, it's well worth the wait!
Happy Holidays! Love the Nagels
A Small Price to Pay
While visiting Rachel's family over the Thanksgiving holiday I read a few excerpts from Jesus Freaks, by DC Talk. One of these true stories was about a church of 27 members living in tunnels underground, somewhere in Korea, to avoid persecution by the local authorities.
Once discovered, all of them, men, women, and children were placed before a crowd of about 30,000. Nooses were placed around the necks of the children and the parents were commanded to recant their faith in Jesus. The parents bravely told their children they would see them in Heaven shortly.
After watching their children die quiet deaths the adults were laid out side by side on the ground and a steam roller was brought in for further intimidation. They began to sing a hymn of praise to God, and continued to sing as the large machine was fired up and began to crush them one by one.
Over these last several months as we've sorted through, thrown away, and sold off all of our belongings, I've had many personal times of introspection. A pack rat by nature, I had a crawl space and a garage filled with junk that should have been thrown away years ago. It's interesting how painful it is to let some things go. You always think you own these things, until you have to let them go, and then you realize how much they have owned you.
Following the call of the Lord and stepping out to live and work as missionaries has not been easy and something we have avoided for a long time. It's easy to say that we're totally sold out for Christ, that we're willing to go anywhere, and even die for Him. It's an entirely different game when the realization of giving up everything, including all of the modern amenities of America, and the comforts of daily life, kicks in. Let's face it, I'm not facing a firing squad, or anything even close. I'm facing living in a two-room apartment without a dish washer.
The more I reflect on the story of the Koreans above, the more I realize what a weak Christian that I am. I have a long way to go before I will have the strength to endure what so many of my Christian brothers and sisters are going through each day.
It helps me to remember that each item I get rid of, no matter how much it has meant to me in the past, will always be a small price to pay.
-your friendly neighborhood Jesus Freak
Mexican Adventure
I really missed Rachel.
Overcoming Fear
Recently, I traveled to Moab, UT with six of my friends for the annual "Man Trip." All seven of us loaded up in a Honda Odyssey minivan which was towing a trailer full of our mountain bikes, camping gear, climbing gear, and enough food to feed a small army. The smell of adventure was in the air!
Passport to Mexico!
We had heard that there were many delays in getting a new passport these days since the government heightened security measures. We decided to put in for Ax's as soon as we got his birth certificate and pray and hope for the best. On Friday the 19th we went down to the main post office to submit the application. They were concerned that his face looked too red in his picture, until I held him up and they said, "Wow he is a red little guy!"
On Friday the 26th, exactly one week later, there was one piece of mail in the box. It was Ax's passport! It's exciting to know that we can now legally take all of our children with us. We'll have to call that Gypsy family and let them know the deal is off.
Within the next couple of weeks I will be travelling with one of my good friends down to Mexico to check things out. It's an exciting opportunity to see where we will be living, what we should bring, and to meet all the great people we will be working with. If you would like to help us finance this trip you can send funds to:
Now Hope
Po Box 62337
Colorado Springs, CO 80962
(write "for the Nagels" in the memo)
To donate using a credit card call (719) 964-4254 or visit Just be sure to designate that your donation is for us.
I'll be posting pictures and stories of my trip ASAP! Be sure to drop us a line and let us know how you're doing.
Jon, Rachel, Smith, Zaisy, Davis, and Ax
God does answer prayer!
The Lord is good! Rachel's purse was stolen on Saturday. Sunday evening, right before church, we get an anonymous call from a lady in Denver saying she had found Rachel's driver's license at an antique mall. She said she would send it to us in the mail. We fully expected to see it when we opened the mailbox yesterday.
What we didn't expect was the second envelope we received with completely different handwriting. It was stuffed to the brim with our insurance cards, photos, a check I had already endorsed, and most importantly, Ax's baby bracelet from the hospital. There were many other items that someone really had to dig through the purse to find. What a thoughtful thief! Or, could it be that someone is being convicted by the Spirit of God?
We continue to stand on the promise found in Proverbs 6:30-31 "People do not despise a thief if he steals to satisfy himself when he is starving. Yet when he is found, he must restore sevenfold; He may have to give up all the substance of his house."
Free Day At The Zoo?
The Nagels Are Moving To Mexico!!!
Hello friends and family! We are excited to have you join us in our daily adventures as we prepare for the big move. We will be moving to Oaxaca, Mexico to work with an organization called Global Frontier Missions. You can check them out at We feel strongly that God has lead our family to work with this ministry at this time in our lives. They are already doing amazing work and ministry in Mexico and will soon be expanding to the 10/40 Window. We look forward to helping them out in any way we can!