We Made It!

Hello to all!!! We had a safe and successful border crossing on Monday, and after much searching, I finally found and Internet cafe today.
Currently, we are living on a beautiful ranch with 1000 head of cattle, about 30 horses, 10 dogs, 1.5 million ticks, and a wonderful couple from Texas, about 20 miles outside of Aldama. We are so greatful for the provision of such a wonderful place to land as our first stop in Mexico. We live in a private casita down the hill from the main casa. We had to evict several spiders when we moved in, and tick checks have become a regular part of our family routine. Other than that, I think this could possibly be paradise.
We like to come into town and hang out at the plaza de centro where the kids can play on the playground, we can mingle with the locals, and there is an ice cream shop nearby. We often don´t understand any of what the people are saying to us, but we go home and try to figure it out bit by bit. Rachel is amazing with languages and Í´m sure shell have it down soon.
So many stories to tell already, but the family is waiting out in the van so I must hurry. Our first day here found me cradling a newborn colt in my arms and carrying it to the corral. It had a rough birth and didn´t make it through the night despite our prayers. The kids are loving taking turns riding the horses and somehow I was able to go into a local parts store and dialouge enough with the manager to buy a new set of brake pads for the ¨Miracle Mobile.¨ They went on without a glitch though it did take me a while to figure out how to jack that huge machine up.
We are slowly finding our way around the land and the language and each day brings a new adventure. We can physically feel the prayer covering that we have from you all. Thank you for that! I will post pictures as soon as I can figure out this Mexican Internet.
That´s all from the front lines for now. Much love to all!


jcubsdad said...

Saaa WEEET...

Stacey said...

It is so good to hear from you guys. I am sitting here with a grin across my face listenning to your story. God is amazing!

Anonymous said...

Great to hear you are safe brother...We pray for you each evening and are excited for your adventure! Love you and keep posting...


The Rogers Family said...

YEAH!!! Glad you made it there safe and sound. Can't wait to see some pics of your new surroundings. Please kiss the kiddos for us!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the shoes! We love you guys! Lettuce and Tomato

gleason girl said...

I am soo glad to hear that you are all doing well. Praying for you and living vicariously through you :-).

Anonymous said...

Do you all have a mailing address? I can send something to you via BPS - Burro Postal Service.

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear from you finally. Maybe everyone in USA should move to Mexico and ranch...get an address out to us.ajkl

Anonymous said...

What is the difference between long and short-term missionaries?
1st term missionaries carefully sift all the bugs out of their cereal before eating it.
2nd term missionaries pick out the bugs they can see...
3rd term missionaries don't bother taking the bugs out of the cereal.
And LONG-TERM missionaries ADD bugs for protein!
You're in our prayers - we see you as lifelong missionaries wherever you are. We pray that God will richly meet all of your needs! You are so loved!!

Joia said...

Gosh, I miss your faces...I can just imagine little Davis on a horse. A little boy after my own heart I tell ya!
Love you all so much!!!
Aunt Joi Joi