Davis hanging out with a new friend
Where bridesmaid dresses come to die
The city of Tlaxiaco came out if force to welcome us home. Wow! Just kidding. However, it was great to be back in time to see the Ark float that I helped build this summer hit the streets. It was unlike any parade I'd ever been to before. Rather than shutting down a certain route and blocking off traffic, as the float moved along, we just had to work around any obstacles. Each float in the parade also had at least one man going ahead with a big wooden poll to lift up low hanging utility lines. It was pretty funny!
Because I had helped build the float, our family was invited to a pre-parade celebration. It was good to make more friends and build upon existing relationships. I met one of the local congressman and after repeatedly welcoming our family to Tlaxiaco, he invited us over to use his home and his swimming pool any time. "Mi casa es su casa!"
The next day as the GFM staff was leaving for their annual staff retreat, they invited us to stay at and watch the base for them. Good times! Unlimited internet use and free laundry facilities, not to mention a great quiet place for our family to retreat and regroup.
That was Thursday. Friday we awoke to a power outage. Something I guess you have to learn to live with in Mexico from time-to-time. We made the most of it. I finished reading a book while Rachel and the kids played games. We enjoyed a candlelight dinner and went to sleep fully expecting to have the power restored by the next morning. Wrong!
Saturday, mid-morning, we became concerned for all the food in the two deep freezes and the two base refrigerators. I went hunting for a back up power supply, which I found in the form of a gas-powered generator in the tool shop. Good to go. We spent the rest of the weekend lounging around in the hammocks, reading, taking naps, shooting Smith's new air gun, and playing a game of "Stick Ball" that we made up using a broom and a giant exercise ball. Rachel totally dominated the new sport!
So now it's Monday evening. Power was just restored a couple of hours ago. I think I'm really going to miss all the quiet candlelight dinners with Rachel and the kids. Maybe I'll go throw the breaker just for fun.
Sounds like you guys came home to a lot of FUN and adventure! Just a "taste" of what is to come! :o)
Good times! Do all the low hanging power lines have pairs of shoes hanging from them? They do here. Especially around schools. It seems to be a fun game to throw another kids shoes over the power lines.....to me it sounds criminal because those tennis shoes are MIGHTY expensive here. Glad you had time to enjoy the quiet life for a few days.
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