Smith's Birthday!

9 years ago, after a long day of labor, our first little red headed boy came into the world via C-section. I was so diappointed that the natural birth didn't work out that I sank to the floor of the delivery room in dispair and cried out to the Lord to at least give me a red headed baby. As you know, He's now answered my prayer many times over. Little Smith was so small I could hold him in one arm and put his little wrinkly foot in my mouth. What an amazing miracle!
We had a full day celebrating his birthday yesterday. Smith got to help paint a house, play hard with his cousins all day, and then eat dinner at a Mexican restaraunt--per his request so he could practice his Spanish. We finally got around to the cake and presents around 10 o'clock last night. Smith was so tired by the end of it all...yet still wanted to end the day watching a movie with me. He made it about 20 minutes into Star Wars IV before he passed out. As I picked my little boy up to carry him to bed I realized he is not so little any more. He's quickly turning into one of the sweetest young men I've ever met. I love you Smith. Here's to all the years and memories to come.


Stacey said...

Happy Birthday Smith!! I can't believe he is already nine years old. :o) I believe I met Smith when he was four years old and I remember thinking he is a very tall four year old. I was watching kids at NLC for a Parent's Day Out or something like that. :o)

Anonymous said...

Many blessings to you Rachel and Jonny... I recall many times of prayer in the early stages of Smiths entrance into this world. I was so blessed to hold my first grandson...and fall in love with him as I continue to do with each succeeding one... Happy Birthday Smithy... Papa

jcubsdad said...

He was so little you could put his foot in your mouth... wow, were you hungry after your c-section?

I know the blessing of having a red headed, smart and spiritually astute you man...Jacob is a Smith in training!

Anonymous said...

We love you Smith and are very proud of the young man you are becoming! We can't believe you are 9 years old...

Happy Birthday!!!!

Uncle Dave, Aunt Christina, Herbie, Allie and Bowman

Anonymous said...

I had to leave a comment... You don't know me but I saw a link to your blog on Sarah Perkins blog... when I saw Happy Birthday Smith. Our son's name is Smith also! We, of course, NEVER hear of anyone else having that name- for a first- besides Smith Wigglesworth himself. Just wanted to pipe in and let you know there's another Smith in the world (he just turned 7). & We're missionaries in Germany!
So, God bless your ministry in Mexico & your lovely family!
Kirsten Hirschy
(if you want to know who I am... our website is: