Davis' First Day

Missionary Kids Preschool Class
Waiting to go into the Schoolhouse
Jacket, Snack, Backpack...ready!

My neighbor and friend, Jenna, opened up a preschool for the kids on the missionary base. They learn one letter a week, sing songs, finger paint, have snack time...I just can't believe how real it all is. When Jenna told me she wanted to do preschool for the little kids, I thought she meant a few random toddler activities. When she gave me the list of required items for Davis to bring, I giggled. She was totally serious.

So, as I packed Davis his own water bottle, juice box, snack, art smock, and sanitary hand wipes all into his little backpack, I realized how big this is for him--and me. Much to her delight, Davis asked Zaisy to walk him to class. As the other kids came in and sat at their prepared name plates, I felt like a pioneer woman in a new land, sending the children to the schoolhouse to learn to read and write with the local schoolteacher. A community coming together to make a new life in new land. I loved it.

Thanks Jenna for using what God has given you to make a difference. See you on Tuesday!


jcubsdad said...

What a cute kid.

Why are you calling him Davis, isn't it Diego? Or has that passed?

Michele said...

What a great opportunity for Davis! And a great idea too...nothing better then community coming together. Blessings!

Stacey said...

That is awesome! And Jenna sounds like a great woman! :o) Davis looks very handsome all ready for his first day at school. I am guessing that it was a smashing hit. I LOVE community...it is an awsome thing!