Date Night...?

Of all the crazy stuff our son Smith does, it took the dangerous game of Monopoly to send him on his first trip to the Emergency Room.

We had just got all the kids dropped off and were off on a double-date when we got a call saying Smith had split his head open. I imagined he had been wrestling or riding his Heeleys or climbing a tree...but when we showed up at my sister's house, they told us he was trying to pick up some dropped Monopoly cards and he had whacked his head on their table. What!?
In the eight years of having children, we've never been to the Emergency Room...and before I saw the gash I figured we'd be able to take him home and band-aid him up. As soon as I saw it, I knew...there goes our date night.

He was pretty upset about the idea until we got there and found they had video games in the waiting room. That perked him right up.

Smith's biggest fear was getting the numbing shots. Once those were over, he was quite brave and laid still so the doctor could make some straight stitches.

12 stitches and a few hours later, and we were ready to go. Overall, it was a great experience. As we walked through the pediatric ward and saw all the precious little sick children, we were reminded of how blessed we are to have strong and healthy children. Thank you Jesus!


jcubsdad said...

Jacob got his first stitch his first day of school in first grade this year... What a day for firsts.

God bless boys though. I can not imagine being a father of anything else.

Anonymous said...

My precious Smith! We are so sorry this happened...You are a brave little man. No more monopoly for you!!! Uncle Dave had this happen to him twice. Once, Aunt Comfort pushed me off a piano bench and I had to have 55 really hurt...o.k., it was probably 2 stitches but it felt like 55. Later when I was in college I hit myself in the face with a piece of metal and it needed 7 stiches. Ouch! You are now the stiches champion. Love you...

Uncle Dave, Aunt Christina, Herbie, and Allie...

Anonymous said...

Tell him that (when he gets older) chic’s DIG scars!! However, he is going to have to make up a better story than that…Monopoly…picking up cards…LAME! Bahahaha

Anonymous said...

Oh Mish! I'm so sorry you had to have a bad experience like that but someday it'll be a special memory that you and your cousins can talk about. Now we have matching scars and you were much braver than I was when I got my cut. Nana loves you and am so glad Daddy took you to get stitches. Talk to you soon. Love, Nana

Anonymous said...

We are excited for your family as you enter this new journey. Are you leaving tomorrow, the 19th? Any updates? How can we be praying for you?