10 Year Anniversary!!!

Holy crap! Have we really been married for 10 years? Where does time go? Any of you that were at our wedding will remember that it was a hot, sweaty event. We got married outside on a Dallas evening in the middle of the summer. Maybe not the best idea…but then again, when have we ever been known for always having the best ideas?
Getting married so young, I was 19 she was 21, has allowed us to do a lot of growing up together. Sometimes hard, but always covered in a hard-shell sugar coating of fun and laughter! One key to always remember: “Naked is funny!” Admittedly, Rachel has always been better at marriage than me, but that is mainly because Rachel is simply a better person than me. We read a book once that said something to the effect of, “What if marriage was not meant for your personal happiness, rather to make you holy?” With the divorce rate in the world as high as it is today, it would seem that many have bought the lie that if you’re not happy in marriage then you should get out as quickly as possible. What a bunch of junk!
With four kids and a move to Mexico to become full-time missionaries under our belt, we’ve had many opportunities to be unhappy with one another. However, as we each submit our own wills to the will of our Lord Jesus every day, we draw closer and closer. You see, it’s never really been about us. It’s always been about Him.
Men and women go into marriage with different perspectives. Women think they can change all their husband’s bad habits. Men think that the woman they marry will never change. Well, I have more bad habits than ever, and every change that Rachel has gone through has made her radiate with a contagious joy and beauty. Thank you for marriage Jesus. Please give us many more years together.


Michele said...

Happy anniversary! What a blessing and testimony your marriage is to those around you! Blessings my friends! I pray you're having a wonderful and relaxing time in the U.S.

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary kids. Yes I said kids. You were young when you began your journey and you're still young. Thank the Lord for your youth and strength as you continue on your path. You will however, need His strength all the days of your life. Keep your eyes on Him and together you'll be able to walk each step that's put before you. Dad and I love you both so much. Thanks for adding so much to our lives and may God bless you and hold you in the palm of His hand. Mom

jcubsdad said...

u guys rock. We love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! May our Lord grant you many more together!


The Rogers Family said...

YEAH! 10 fantabulous years! We sure do love you and look forward to what the next 10 look like...

Stacey said...

Happy anniversary! You guys are great! Love you all!